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Edward Pilon
20 avril, 1883 - 5 juillet, 1916 |
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Court Martial May 16, 1916, In-the-Field
Trial of No.1467 Pte. E. Pilon 8th Canadian Infantry
1st Witness No.3205 Sgt. J. Adams, 11th Service Battalion K.R.R. being sworn states :
Ont the 6th April I was on duty in the Rue de Croix, Notre Dame at about 7:30 pm. when I saw the accused soldier. He was drunk. I placed him under arrest and sent him under escort to the Town Hall Guard where he was detained.
Cross Examined by Accused.
Q: Do you remember my saying to you when you arrested me "I am going
to my billet and making no trouble. Let me go."
A: No. I do not.
2nd Witness. No.3551 Cpl. G.M. Jarvis. 1st Life Guards, being sworn states:
At 7:45 pm. on April 6th I was in charge of the Town Hall Guard, when the accused was brought in under escort, charged with being drunk by Sergt J. Adams. I accepted him on that charge as he was drunk.
3rd Withness. No.3415 Trooper G. Cave, 1st Life Guards, being sworn, states:
At about 7:45 April 6th, I was acting corporal on road control. The accused and escort were handed over to me by Sergt. Adams. I conducted him to the town hall and handed him over to Corporal Jervis. He was drunk.
Prosecution closed
1St Witness. No.A38032 Pte MacIvor, 8th Canadian Infantry Battalion,being sworn states:
At about 7:30 pm on April 6th I was returning to my billet in company with the accused who was talking rather loudly when an N.C.O. came up and caught him by the arm. Accused told the N.C.O. that he was going home and making no trouble. The N.C.O. then said "fall in two men" and place accused under arrest.
Cross examined by Prosecutor.
Q: Had accused been drinking?
A: Yes, we had been together since 6 pm.
Q: Was accused doing most of the talking on the way home?
A: Yes.
Examined by Accused.
Q: Was I drunk or sober?
A: Sober
2nd Witness. No.1489 Pte. H.C. Willson 8th Battalion being sworn states:
About 7:30 p.m. on 6th April I was walking back to my billet in company with the accused who was talking rather loudly, when somebody in uniform but of what rank I do not know, stopped the accused and calling up two men placed him under arrrest.
Examined by accused.
Q: Did I tell the man who arrested me that I did not want to make any
trouble and to let me go.
A: Yes you did.
Q: Did you personally speak to the man who arrested me and ask him
to let me go, and did he tell you that if you didn't clear out he would
arrest you too.
A: He told me to cleat out.
Q: Was I drunk or sober.
A: You were sober.
Cross examined by Prosecutor
Q: Had accused been drinking?
A: He had only one drink to my knowledge.
Q: Were you with accused all the evening?
A: I was away from him about half an hour during the evening.
The Accused No. 1467 Pte. E. Pilon being sworn states:
At about 7:30 pm I was returning to my billets with two of my friends, Ptes. MacIvor and Wilson. We were joking and I was talking rather loudly when a sergeant came up to me and arrested me for being drunk. I told him I was sober and wanted to make no trouble as I had to be back at my billets before 8 o'clock. He would not listen to me but had me escorted to the Guard Room.
Defence Closed
He further proceeds to give evidence as to character and states:
The accused is a very good soldier and has been doing his duty exceptionally well lately. He has had no entry for drunkeness since 8-4-1915. He has been with the battalion continuously since coming to France except for one leave.
K.C. Bedson, Maj. 8th Can Infantry Battalion
Presiding Officer
Pleaded not guilty
Found guilty
Sentenced to 42 days F.P. No.1