(Excerpts from the Journal de l'Association des Pilon de France et d'Europe)

(Spring 2000)


Here we are at the famous year 2000 which appeared to us, in a still recent past, so far, even more distant from us than the first years of the 20th century. Remember the futuristic predictions which showed us how the life would be lived, the era of robots in your home doing all the work of the housewife, preparation of mealS in the form of pills having the taste of fruit, vegetables, or even meat of your choice. Displacements were envisaged by individual rocket. What a lot of accidents by such individual means of transport ! That future was not at all romantic nor enthusiastic. Actually, our current life remains more human even if everyone does not benefit from happiness such as we wish it for everybody. At this beginning of year, I wish you and your families one year full of happiness and a very good health and that 2000 brings prosperity and peace throughout the world. Bur alas, men remain not very reasonable and hostilities always appear year after year. Guy Pilon.

Pilon Galery

Dominique Pilon informs us that an exhibition of his father's works, Veno Pilon, is being held presently at ´ La Galerie de la Passerelle ª, des Tanneurs Street, since December 20th 1999. It will close January 5th 2000. This exhibition, according to Dominique, contains many more works than those displayed in Paris. On December 20th the Ambassador of Slovenia and the Mayor of the City of Tours were present at the exhibition. The event closed with a reception sponsored by the Commune which Dominique attended.

Pilon Courrier and Contacts

Louise Pilon, from Verdun, QuÈbec, as well as many Pilons from Canada, would be quite happy that we assist her in completing the genealogical tree of all the Pilons in Canada. She writes : ´ The ancestor of the Canadian Pilons is Antoine Pilon, married to Marie-Anne Brunet dit Lestang on January 20th 1689 at Notre-Dame Parish in MontrÈal. He is the son of Thomas Pilon and Marie-Madeleine Ruault who was born September 11, 1611 at Bayeux, Calvados. Her father was Philippe Ruault and her mother, Madeleine Chefdeville. Do you have any information going still further back on this subject ª. The Association has the following information : Antoine Pilon, born June 24th 1664, Bayeux, Calvados. Baptised at St-Patrice Church, Bayeux. Married January 20th 1689 in MontrÈal. Died at Pointe-Claire, QuÈbec, February 21st, 1715. Remark : The date of birth certificate should be verified to enable us to progress further in our research. Antoine most certainly had brothers and sisters. This research could be done either at the Bayeux municipal archives or the Archives DÈpartementales, 61 route de Lion-sur-Mer, 14000 Caen. Telephone 02 31 94 70 85

Genealogical Tree of Daniel Raoul Joseph Pilon 

* Daniel Raoul Joseph Pilon 
B. 1942
M. 19
D. 1999

* Roger Louis Germain Pilon 
B. 1901
M. 19
D. 1988

* Théodore Auguste Raymond Pilon 
B. 1865
M. 1892
D. 1848

* François Auguste Pilon 
B. 1835
M. 1864
D. 1897

* Joseph Honoré Pilon 
B. 1812
M. 1834
D. 1875

* Jean François Pilon 
B. 1755
M. an 2
Divorced in year 2
Remarried between the year 2 and the year 4
D. 1835

* Jean Baptiste Pilon 
B. 1725
M. 1749
D. 1755

* Claude Pilon 
B. around 1694
M. 1721
D. 1755

* Claude Pillon
B . before 1674
M. before 1694
D. ?

General Assembly of September 1999

Nous nous sommes rÈunis ý Tours, dans un restaurant o˜ une salle voštÈe nous Ètait exclusivement rÈservÈe. AprËs le repas, l'AssemblÈe a dÈbutÈ par le passage d'un film rÈalisÈ par Claude Pilon, d'Etretat qui durait environ quinze minutes et nous montrait des images de l'AssemblÈe prÈcÈdente tenue au Mans. Ensuite, une prÈsentation d'un film de vingt minutes fourni par le Bureau de Tourisme SlovËne. Ce film donnnait un aperÁu rapide des sites et du patrimoine de la SlovÈnie. Marcel Pilon, ensuite, avait rÈuni tous les vues prises depuis la visite des Canadiens ý Bayeux et des diffÈrentes assemblÈes jusqu'en 1998. Ensuite nous avons abordÈ l'ordre du jour de l'AssemblÈe : Approbation des comptes; approuvÈ ý la majoritÈ. Nomination ou rÈÈlection de membres du Conseil d'Administration; sortants : Denise Mouret, Guy Pilon, Maurice Pilon. RÈÈlus ý la majoritÈ des voix : Membres : Denise Mouret et Maurice Pilon. RÈÈlu ý la majoritÈ des voix : PrÈsident : Guy Pilon Budget 2000 : Identique ý celui de 1999 ý la majoritÈ des voix des adhÈrents prÈsents. AprËs l'AssemblÈe, les participants se sont , en majoritÈ, retrouvÈs pour la visite d'une cave de vin de Loire o˜ ils ont pu dÈguster un verre de crÈmant (ou plusieurs, s'ils le dÈsiraient).

General Assembly of year 2000

Please note that the General Assembly in year 2000 will be held at Laval or in the area on Saturday, September 16th, as requested on our lates questionnaire. Details are forthcoming in the ´ Le Pilier ª edition no. 22 distributed around mid June

Source : LE PILIER
Le Journal de l'Association des Pilon de France et d'Europe

Mechou, 29870 LANNILIS, Télécopie: 01 43 75 38 69

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