In this picture Dad still has all his fingers; he has not yet had the blasting cap accident. Here he looks all of 4 or 5 years old (in fact the note on the back of the picture says exactly that, suggesting this picture was taken, perhaps 1927 or 1928, i.e. BEFORE L.V. lost his job with J.I. Case.
To the left of the big tree behind young Ambrose we can see the distinctive gabled roof of the former curling rink beside the Ouimet farm and beside that, the sloping roof of the two story brick house at the corner of Pendleton and Main streets.
The shed to the right of Ambrose is definitely on the old Labrosse property at the corner of Pendleton and Mill streets but looks much more like a car garage than an old stable.

In this photograph, the thumb and first finger on his left hand are shorter as a result of a blasting cap accident.
"Then, of course we had the dynamite cap episode when I was seven years old [suggesting this photograph was taken in 1930 or 1931], I believe. I was at Bobby Wilson's, which wasn't very far from our place then and I don't know if Bobby knew what it was, in that box up on the beam in an old machine shed, but we got it down. We each took one out, they were 60 pounders I believe they call them. And we wanted to empty the case which was filled with nitro. And we wanted to used them as whistles, that we'd blow and they'd whistle. So I got mine cleaned out. I don't know really how I did it, but I could whistle it. So I said to Bobby, I said, "You give me yours and I'll clean it out and get it to whistle." So he handed it to me. I had it upside down on a stone, and I had a stone in my right hand and I brought it down. That's all I remember of the dynamite cap. There was a terrible explosion. The stone splattered all over my chest, my arms, my left arm. And here was part of my thumb, and the left hand and the finger on the left hand were missing. Bleeding to beat the band. There was no pain at the time. I remember that very well. It was numb. And somehow or other I got home. I don't know who brought me home or what, but I had my dynamite cap in my pocket, you see. And apparently all the nitro had not come out. So Mother was searching my pockets, my pants. She took this out and she threw it in the stove. Well there was quite a thump in the stove, it didn't blow it all to hell, but... I don't really know what kind of a noise it made, but mind you, I remember Mother said "My God, it's going to blow the place up". It did make quite a noise I guess. But that's the way the dynamite cap worked out. "
Behind the big elm tree I believe we can see the Ouimet barn. One day he would marry one of the girls living there!
The wooden building on the left of this picture might be the stable that would eventually be converted to a bakery.

In this photograph I believe we see L.V.'s last child, Mary Helen, who was born in Vaudreuil in September of 1926. This must have been a day for picture taking; even the dog wanted in on it! We can see the front corner of Ambrose's sleigh. We can also see a bit more of the shed on the left, likely abutting the small brick house and more than likely where Pilon's Bakery first set up.
These three Google streetview images of the Labrosse house were taken to show a few things. First, the large lot could easily have had a car garage in the corner furthest from the house. Second, where there is a white sidding-clad extension behind the brick house, there used to be an addition at the back that was just a bit narrower than the house. Its imprint is still visible on the back brick wall of the house.