Somewhere in Vietnam

7 June 1967

Dear Jim, Bev & Regina,

      I received your box of goodies this morning.  Gee, thanks so much!  You and Mom both sent just the stuff a man wants over here.  The tabasco sauce will add a new taste to my "C" rats.  I'll tell you about the ways we cook them to make them different tasting and better eating.

      We are out of the bush again for a few days.  This is our 3rd day in Tam Ky.  We don't have any place to call home since the Army is in Chu Lai, so we will be in the bush until September.  I imagine the operations slack off when the monsoon begins.  We just completed Union III, so I have credit for three in my record book.

      Well, Jim, I am glad Jeanne is married now.  It was what she wanted so as long as they are happy!  I just hope Kenny doesn't get drafted right away.  Things could get pretty tough for them if he does.

      Man, we are putting up with a lot of petty shit in here this time.  Guys have been getting burned left and right.  We have a new CO and he is an ass in my opinion.  He is a sweater.

      The chow is pretty good here.  They have a field mess set up.  This morning they had some outstanding Blueberry Pancakes.  They were #1.  Those pizza puffs you sent will go great with my beers if we get our ration today.  Same goes for the nuts too.  Thanks again.

      We are having service today for those killed on the II & III Operations.  Sure makes a guy feel bad tho!

      I tell you Jim, I missed home when I was in Da Nang but it was nothing like I do now.  The shorter I get, the more the feeling for home.  I think of the freedoms I enjoyed before and feel I really deserve them now.  I hope some day these Zips can see what we are trying to do for them.  I sure feel left out not being there to see my Rose growing up.  It is hard but I must remember life goes on at home as usual.  There won't be any of my classmates left single when I get home.

      I hope we get supplies today.  The clothes I have on are the same ones I had in the field.

      You make sure Beverly takes it easy now cuz the arrival time is drawing near.  I hope it's a boy too but as you say, it doesn't matter.  Another like Regina would be fine.  Does she help you in the garden.

      Yes, I remember about Rich Hope.  Sure was a bad accident. I am glad he is doing well now.

      What is with Jan.  He broke down a spring cleaned himself huh.  I guess it doesn't do any good to get on his ass huh.  Wonder what he will do if the folks move to Moab.  I hope they do move in a way.  I think it would be the best thing for them and for Joe & Jerry too.  The only thing is the house and with Bev expecting.

      I been writing Ledlow and he never mentioned seeing Maley.  Jim is in Da Nang now. He is pretty short.

      I best close and clean my rifle for inspection.  Thanks again for the chow.

Love, your brother
