Camp Leguine, North Carolina

25 August 1966

Dear Jim, Bev & Monique,

     Sorry I haven't write Jim.  Things run about the same most of the time.  About all that has happened is I spent several days in the field last week.  I caught on fast to the field proceedure of administration work.  I even earned a day off when we came back in.  The exercise was compatible with combat conditions.  I had a Corporal working for me.  He couldn't get what was going on.  Was sort of funny, me a PFC ordering an NCO around.

     I'll sure be glad when my hitch is up.  I have a lot of pride in the Corps but I would much rather finish school and do as I wish.  There is a lot of bullshit that goes with this "Green Monster" and it gets to a guy.

     I hope to pick up Lance Corporal soon.  I sure could use the money.  Would get out of some little petty details also.

     I just came back from noon chow.  The office is empty now.  I can be in peace for a short time.

     I come down here at nite just to get away from the barracks.  That place gets depressing as hell.

     How is my darling Monique?  Bet she is really growing.  I sure miss her.

     I got Mom a beautiful card but the envelope got stuck closed without the card thanks to the humidity.  You can't even keep envelopes very long around here.

     What are you gonna do about your Ford.  I'd watch Cecil, don't let him take you.

      We have a new XO and he is a bear.  He was a grunt before and everything has to be dustless.  He has pulled a couple of surprise inspections today.  No pictures are attached in wall lockers now.

    I better close and get busy.

Your brother
