Medical Information relating to
Phillip Pilon (649320, 1102297)

April 11, 1918 - Ravina Barracks, Toronto
present condition; neurasthenia, cause Shell Shock.
"Sometimes gets sudden sharp pain in Praecordia.  Tires easily and gets short of breath on exertion.  Is nervous and easily excited and is frightened by sudden noises.  Appetite good.  Sleeps variable.  No headaches, but get dizzy at times."

"No tremor of the hands.  Knee jerks not increased.  Speech is slow and mental processes rather dull.  Pulse 80 sitting, 140 after running 100 yards, returning to 80 in 5 minutes.  Respiration 20 sitting, 42 after running 100 yards returning to 22 in 5 minutes.  Heart normal in size and shape.  No murmurs heard."

History: "Had rheumatic fever in England, March 1917.  Was shell shocked twice in France and finally was unable to carry on further.  Has been very nervous since and unable to do more than light duty.  Has improved lately."

"1 vaccination mark on left arm.  Scars on left ankle, right shin, both knees, 3 on right thigh, 5 irregular scars on middle of chest.  Scar left eyebrow and left eye injured and blind.  Partial amputation of thumb, 2nd and 3rd fingers left hand.  Left eye and left were injured at 11 years of age and are mentioned in M.H.S.  Says they cause no disability.  2 months in hospital in France and 31/2 months in hospital in England."

"Left thumb amputated at inter-phalangeal joint.  Index finger amputated at proximal inter-phalangeal joint.  3rd finger amputated at distal articulation and flexion of the proximal joint is normal.  These scars are all healthy and painless and movement of metacarpo-phalangeal joints are normal.  There is scaring and opacity of cornea and iris of left eye.  Ptosis of upper left lid.  Can tell light from dark only.  No pain or inflammation in the eye.  No aggravation of left hand or eye due to service."

13-3-17 to 20-6-17  Rheumatic Fever Countess of Lytton's Hospital, London.
20-6-17 to 28-6-17 Rheumatic Fever, Canadian Convalescent Hospital, Kent
28-6-17 to 4-7-17 Rheumatic Fever, M.C.H., Epsom
3-9-17 to 17-7-17 Neurosthenia, 4 Stationary Hospital, Arques
