Rejoicing of Friends and Parishioners With Rev. Father Joseph Pilon, Venerable Cleric, Tinged With Sadness at His Coming Retirement From Pastorate. (Special to The Citizen)
The principal feature of the event was the celebration of Solemn High Mass, at which Father Pilon officiated. The sermon was preached by Rev. Father Racan of Limoges, Ont., and he stirred the emotions of the large congregation by his touching tribute to him who had so ably and so conscientiously served as the shepherd of his flock over a period of a quarter of a century. Father Racan dwelt upon the history of this old parish, referring to the zealous men who had preceded Father Pilon as parish priest and he congratulated pastor and people on the fact that L'Orignal's beautiful church was freed entirely of debt during the past year. Clergy and People Pay Tribute. During the afternoon about fifteen priests and upward of twenty-five lay members of the parish sat down to a banquet at Casa Inn, given in honor of the reverend celebrant of the day. Mr. E.O. Bertrand, M.P., was chairman for the occasion and in behalf of the L'Orignal congregation and nearby parishes, he expressed to Rev. Father Pilon congratulations on his having attained a quarter of a century as pastor in L'Orignal and the profound regret of everyone at his decision to retire. Health Not Satisfactory. Several other speeches in similar vein were made during the pleasant function and in reply Father Pilon thanked everyone most sincerely for the kindly spirit that prompted this and many similar acts of kindness and devotion to him during the yeras he had been their spiritual adviser. Unsatisfactory health was the cause of his retirement and for his successor, Rev. Father Millard of Angers, Que. he wished the same generous co-operation as had been given to him. Among the other speakers were Rev. Father Kemp, assistant to the pastor, and Mr. C. Dubois, both of whom largely assumed the duties of organizers of the banquet. Those present at the banquet were Rev. Fathers Pilon Desjardins of Vankleek Hill, Gauthier of Bourget College, Racan of Limoges, Ont.; Chevrier of Hull, Kemp, curate at L'Orignal, V. Pilon of Papineauville, Guindon of Hawkesbury; Caron, curate of Hawkesbury; A. Allard of Montral, Chamberlain of Montebello. A. Gratton, curate of Alfred, Fridette of Rigaud, Que. Native of Clarence Creek Rev. Joseph Pilon was born at Clarence Creek in Russell county 71 years ago, the son of pioneers of that municipality. He received his classical education at Rigaud College and made his theological course at the Ottawa seminary. Forty-six years ago he was ordained by the late Archibishop Duhamel and after serving for nine months as curate at St.Eugene, he was sent to Perkins, Que., as pastor; later he went to Wendover for several years, following which he became pastor of the Curran parish where he built a fine church. Then he went to St.Albert, Ont., for a four years' pastorate following which he came to L'Orignal, where his regime has been singularly successful. Father Pilon will continue the duties of his office until the end of
this month when he will take up private residence in Rigaud, Que.
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