Royal Canadian Air Force
Overseas Headquarters

April 27, 1943

Mr. P. Pilon,

You have been already officially notified that your son is now "missing" after air operations.  Realizing your anxiety and worry, and sharing it as a priest, I am writing to assure you of our sympathy for you and appreciation of the grand work of your boy.  You must be very proud of him, - and you have every right to be!

The Air Ministry is very exact and prompt to keep informed the next of kin of any further news of the "missing".  So you may expect official notification just as soon as any further definite word is had.  I pray God that the next news may be cheering.  At any rate your son is in the hands of God, no matter where he is or what may befall him.  Do keep up courage; and ask light and strength from our dear Lord that you may be able to say: "Thy will be done".  God bless you!

Very sincerely yours,

(W.V. McCarthy) Group Captain,
Chief Chaplain, R.C.,
R.C.A.F. Overseas

P.S. The Chaplain on the station where your son was stationed informs me that he was to the Sacraments before "taking off" on operations.
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