Royal Canadian Air Force
Command Chaplain's Office
Toronto, Ontario

May 6, 1943.

Mr. & Mrs. P. Pilon
Rockland, Ontario.

My dear Friends:

It was with feelings of the deepest regret that I learned your son was reported missing.

You have, I am sure, from the day he entered the Service of his country, been deeply concerned for his safety.  That anxiety has prepared you for the shock and strain which this distressing news has imposed upon you, but it does not lessen the pangs of grief which uncertainty awakens.

You may rest assured that everything possible will be done to locate him, and that you will be notified as soon as reliable information has been received concerning him.  In the meantime, be brave and have faith.  Pray, and I shall join you in your prayer that God will take care of him according to His own Divine plan, which, after all is the best for him and the best for you.

I shall pray, too, that God will strengthen and console you and help you to bear up under this heavy burden.

Devotedly yours in Christ,

(J.E. Cahill), Hon. Sqdn/Ldr.,
Command Chaplain (RC),
#1 Training Command.
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