Air Ministry
Casulty Branch
77 Oxford Street
London, W.1

29 April, 1943


I am commanded by the Air Council to express to you their grave concern on learning from the Casualties Officer of the Royal Canadian Air Force that your son, Sergeant Francois Rolland Pilon, is missing as a result of air operations on the night of 16/17th April 1943.

This does not necessarily mean that he is killed or wounded, and if he is a prisoner of war he should be able to communicate with you in due course.  Meanwhile enquiries will be made through the International Red Cross Committee and as soon as any definite news is received you will be at once informed.

If any information regarding your son is received by you from any source you are requested to be kind enough to communicate it immediately to the Royal Canadian Air Force Casualties Officer, Royal Canadian Air Force Headquarters, Ottawa.

/The Air Council

P. Pilon, Esq.,
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