Course 39, No.4 Air Observer School, Crumlin, Ontario


William Alfred Williamson

"Wetfinger" and "Feudin Willie" to us, and "bill" to his Mother.  Wee Willie is close to home here at Crumlin, being born and raised in these here parts (London) and celebrating his 20th birthday last St. Valentine's Day.  A graduate of Beck Collegiate, Willie claims skiing as his first choice among hobbies and sleeping as his second -- and we believe him -- the second time!  A feuder from the first, Willie has, at various times duelled (with fierce words and flying pencils) with Allan, Mac Johnson, Lipman et al.  Laid low for a few days with a severe cold, Willie, the only human exponent of navigating a magic carpet, is back in harness and feuding again -- look out Lipman!

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