Deciding to forgoe the luxuries
of Rio nights, coconuts and bread fruit, Lippy joined the R.C.A.F.,
last May 29th, making the leisurely trip of some 12,000 miles to reach
Vancouver and the recruiting depot. A Limey from Lancashire (b.
May 6, 1914), Lippy has travelled to more places than Eleanor
Roosevelt, and was educated at Northands and at Perse, Cambridge,
winding up finally as a chartered accountant. A killer diller for
culture, Lippy writes his own poetry, and finds his chief relaxation in
sunbathing, sleeping and dancing. After three years of wandering
around South America, Arthur Maitland ended up in the British Embassy
at Rio where he put his many talents to work pacifying the peons
through the medium of the embassy's press and propaganda
department. A year later, Lippy exchanged the balmy breezes of
Rio Bay for the Chinooks from the Rockies and became one of those to
whom so much is owed by so many, etc., etc.