If patience is a virtue, then
our class instructor must be the most virtuous of men (not excluding
old Job himself). The wonder of it is that after three months of
fool questions such as "Why is starboard?" (Lipman) and "Please, Sir,
do you mind if I do 23 extra D.R. papers?" (ditto) our "Joe D.R." is
still without grey hairs -- though maybe after another course such as
39, his first one, he won't have any hair at all. Born in Toronto
on September 6th, 1919, P/O Knowles was a student of the Ontario A.C.,
at Guelph when he enlisted on Armistice Day, 1940. His favorite
sport is swimming and his pet hobby is photography --- we feel sure,
however, that quadrantal errors and drift and bearing W/V's are his
first favorites. We can think of no finer tribute to Mr. Knowles'
patience than the hope that one day, in the midst of fierce Ack-Ack
fire and with enemy fighters all over the sky, Blackmore will lay down
his ruler to carefully underline an MTB.