Course 39, No.4 Air Observer School, Crumlin, Ontario


John Duncan Jarvis

After we were at Crumlin about three days, we learned something -- if there came a pull at our sleeves and a plaintive voice saying, "Have you got a cigaret, chum?"...all we did was claw through our pockets till we found the, find our matches and without turning our heads hand them over with the admonition, "okay, Jarvie, but this time don't take any for your uncle, too for Pete's sake"...The chain-smoking fiend of Course 39 is, like Allan and Priest, a native of Hamilton, where he was born some twenty-two years ago and where he later attended Westdale Collegiate.  A golf and tennis enthusiast Jarvis went from Latin verbs to debits and credits after leaving school when he went to work for the accounting firm of Chagnon and MacGillvray, and was studying diligently for his Chartered Accountancy when he joined up in Hamilton on May 27.

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