Don insists the girls call him
"Fuzz" --- whether this refers to the wave in his hair or to the dust
that covers his Plymouth we do not know. Don was born in Hamilton
on March 8, 1920, and attented Central Collegiate Institute in that
City. From there he went to Parks Air College in St. Louis to
study aero engineering, and later was radio operator for the American
Airlines in Canada. He reached the zenith in his aviation career,
however, when he enlisted in Hamilton on June 17th. His
distinguished (?) bearing as our right marker stamps him as an
ex-member of the 1941 Exhibition Squad. Don lists his hobbies as
golf, hockey, tennis and gals --- however, we would add snowballing
(remember that 10%) and drooling over "True Confessions", "Love
Stories" and "Range Romances" during signals classes.